New publication online: High-density magnetomyography is superior to high-density surface electromyography for motor unit decomposition: A simulation study News 7/18/23
New publication online: The use of nonnormalized surface EMG and feature inputs for LSTM-based powered ankle prosthesis control algorithm development News 7/4/23
New publication online: Linking cortex and contraction—Integrating models along the corticomuscular pathway News 5/10/23
New publication by Lennart Nölle: Evaluation of muscle strain injury severity in active human body models News 1/12/23
Unfall oder Mord? Forschende der Universität Stuttgart lieferten wesentliche Voraussetzungen für die Wiederaufnahme eines Kriminalfalles. News 10/4/22
New publication online: Strain Measures and Energies for Crimped Fibres and Novel Analytical Expressions for Fibre Populations: Ingredients for Structural Fibre Network Models News 8/29/22
Workshop between School for Talents and the research cluster "Data-Integrated Simulation Science" News 7/26/22
New publication online: Muscle active force-length curve explained by an electrophysical model of interfilament spacing News 5/11/22
New publication online: ‘Falling heads’: investigating reflexive responses to head–neck perturbations News 4/28/22
New publication online: Spindle Model Responsive to Mixed Fusimotor Inputs: an updated version of the Maltenfort and Burke (2003) model News 2/1/22
New publication online: The control effort to steer self-propelled microswimmers depends on their morphology: comparing symmetric spherical versus asymmetric L-shaped particles News 9/30/21
New publication online: Intuitive assessment of modeled lumbar spinal motion by clustering and visualization of finite helical axes News 6/23/21
How does human movement work? Our institute was part of the Girls' Day of the University of Stuttgart News 5/12/21
New publication online: Muscle mechanics during late stance is the key to explaining maximum running speed News 5/10/21
$15 million for University of Auckland’s Bioengineering Institute to create virtual human News 5/6/21
New publication online: A geometry- and muscle-based control architecture for synthesising biological movement News 2/1/21
Joint paper of the IMSB and UPenn receives publication prize of the University of Stuttgart News 1/29/21
New publication online: Tangent second-order homogenisation estimates for incompressible hyperelastic composites with fibrous microstructures and anisotropic phases News 2/3/21
New publication online: Optimality Principles in Human Point-to-Manifold Reaching Accounting for Muscle Dynamics News 7/1/20
New publication online: Loads distributed in vivo among vertebrae, muscles, spinal ligaments, and intervertebral discs in a passively flexed lumbar spine News 5/2/20
New publication online: Energy Expenditure of Dynamic Submaximal Human Plantarflexion Movements: Model Prediction and Validation by in-vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy News 6/27/20
New publication online: Muscles reduce neuronal information load: quantification of control effort in biological vs robotic pointing and walking News 6/26/20
New publication online: Support for intermittent control in biological movement on low-level News 2/19/20