
Overview on lectures, Bachelor thesis, study thesis, and master thesis offered at the Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems

The Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems offers a variety of courses for different study programs focussing on different aspects of modelling and simulation of coupled biological systems. Currently, the institute's courses are part of the Bachelor study programmes Simulation Technology and Movement Science as well as of the Master study programmes Simulation Technology, Biomedical Engineering, COMMAS, Movement Science and Biomechanics. Prof Röhrle is also in charge of the focus area (Forschungsschwerpunkt) "Biomechanik und Bionik" within M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering (Medizintechnik). We also offer a variety of Bachelor, study and Master thesis. For a selection of open topics, please check out our "Open Thesis Topics" tab or contact us directly.


Lectures offered

At the Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems, we offer a variety of lectures. You can find the list here or in CAMPUS:

  • Biomechanik menschlicher Bewegung (BewWiss, Sommersemester)
  • Biomimetische Systeme (BewWiss, Sommersemester)
  • Biorobotics (MedTech/SimTech, Sommersemester)
  • Computational Human Body Models (COMMAS, Wintersemester)
  • Computational Methods in Biomechanics (COMMAS, Sommersemester, Kontakt: Yesid Villota Narvaez)
  • Continuum Biomechanics (COMMAS, Wintersemester, Kontakt: Jan-Sören Völter)
  • Data-Integrated Simulation Science A (SimTech, Wintersemester)
  • Einführung in die Kontinuumsbiomechanik (alle, Wintersemester, Kontakt: Christian Bleiler)
  • Human Factor in Cyber-Physical Systems (BewWiss, Sommersemester)
  • Modellierung und Simulation in der Biomechanik (alle, Sommersemester, Kontakt: Christian Bleiler)
  • Motion in Man and Machine (alle, Sommersemester)
  • Introduction to Neuromechanics (MedTech, Sommersemester, Kontakt: Leonardo Gizzi)
  • Praktische Übungen Biomechanik und Bionik (MedTech, PÜ, Sommersemester, Kontakt: Christian Bleiler)
  • Simulationstechnik für Bewegungswissenschaft (BewWiss, Wintersemester)
  • System Biophysics Kolloqium (alle, Winter- und Sommersemester)
  • Theoretical and practical aspects in experimental research (SimTech, Sommersemester, Kontakt: Franziska Bubeck)

alle: Students from all study programmes are welcome; BewWiss: B.Sc. Bewegungswissenschaft and M.Sc. Bewegungswissenschaft und Biomechanik; MedTech: B.Sc./M.Sc. Medizintechnik; SimTech: B.Sc./M.Sc. Simulationstechnik; COMMAS: M.Sc. Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures

Open Thesis Topics

Continuum Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (Röhrle group)

Computational Biophysics and Biorobotics (Schmitt group)

  • Teaching a Muscle-Driven Arm Robot to Write: Reinforcement Learning, Programming (Python)       
  • Construction and Control of a Servo-Driven Leg Robot: Leg: CAD, 3D Printing, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
  • calcmanBIKE: Modelling a muscle-driven human body model riding a bike including air lift and drag forces
  • HierarchControl: Theory, modelling and implementation of biological motor control hierarchy
  • IVDparam: Modelling and parameter identification of human intervertebral discs
  • Implementation of a holistic decision model of statistics in Matlab
  • Online system: Further development of an online transmission and processing system for biological data
  • OpenSimMuscle: Implementation and simulation of skeletal muscle model in OpenSim
  • PennAngle: Modelling of pennation angle in skeletal muscle fibres
  • StandingChallenge: Balancing a muscle-driven human body model using an artificial neural network
  • VirtualGym: Modelling and simulation of a muscle-driven human trunk/leg model accounting for muscle growth and fatigue


If you do not find in this list anything that you like, then email us. We have more interesting research questions or come with your own ideas!

Document Download

  • To download the thesis template (Bachelor / Master / Study thesis) for the Continuum Biomechanics and Mechanobiology research group use the following download link: Download 


For Medical Engineering Students: If Prof. Röhrle needs to sign one of your documents associated with your study or Master thesis registration or approving the curriculum, then please provide Ms Tahedl with the respective document. Prof. Röhrle will not react to E-mail inquieries with respect to this topic. (Translated to German: Für die Anmeldung einer Masterarbeit oder eine Abtretungserklärung im Studiengang Medizintechnik kontaktieren Sie bitte Frau Tahedl. E-Mailanfragen an Prof. Röhrle werden nicht beantwortet.)

Template for your Bachelor or Master thesis: If you are writing a bachelor, study or master thesis within the research group of Prof. Röhrle, then you will find a LaTeX-template in the "Document Download" section. Please download and use it. If you do not want to use LaTeX to write your thesis, then use this template (there is also a pdf included) as a guidance for your thesis. Shortly before finalising your thesis, please ask your advisor for the Institute's number of your thesis.

Vera Tahedl


Administrative Associate (Röhrle group)

This image shows Christine Schreiber

Christine Schreiber


Administrative Associate (Schmitt group)

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