Recording magnetic muscle signals with quantum sensors at the PTB Berlin

June 18, 2024

From June 3rd to 7th, researchers from Stuttgart, Tübingen and Berlin jointly collected cutting-edge magnetomyograhic (MMG) data.

Active skeletal muscles produce tiny magnetic fields that can provide new insights into human motor control. However, the recording of such MMG signals is extremely challenging. The BMSR-2 (Berlin Magnetically Shielded Room 2) at the PTB Berlin is one of the best environments worldwide for such challenging biomagnetic measurements. As part of the ERC-AdG project qMOTION, researchers of the CBM group visited this unique laboratory to record high-quality magnetic and electric muscle signals in collaboration with researchers from PTB Berlin and the University of Tübingen. This is essential to advance our understanding of magnetic muscle signals and validate MMG-based signal analysis through electromyography (EMG), i.e., the current gold standard.

ERC-AdG project qMOTION:

PTB Berlin:

University of Tübingen:

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