IMSB at the ISEK Congress in Nagoya: Presenting the latest advances in Magnetomyography

July 19, 2024 /

From June 26th to 29th, the biannual meeting of the International Society of Electromyography and Kinesiology (ISEK) was hosted in Nagoya (Japan). Researchers from the CBM research group had the opportunity to present the latest research on magnetomyography (MMG) and discuss new directions.

Electromyography (EMG) is an established methodology to study the neuromuscular system, and the ISEK Congress is a key platform for discussing the latest progress related to EMG. Magnetomyography (MMG) is a complementary method with great potential to overcome some shortcomings of EMG; however, MMG remains scarcely explored and is hardly known.

With the Workshop “Quantum sensor-based magnetomyography to study the neuromuscular system”, Thomas Klotz and Justus Marqetand from the University of Stuttgart, together with Simon Nordenstroem from the PTB Berlin, introduced the concept and chances of MMG to the ISEK community.

In addition, Justus Marquetand and Thomas Klotz, together with students Lukas Baier and Tim Brümmer, presented the latest research results of the ERC-AdG project qMOTION in oral and poster sessions.

The congress was an excellent platform to discuss current developments and new directions as well as establish collaborations with other scientific groups worldwide. We enjoyed visiting Japan, Arigato!

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