The Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems (IMSB):
Directions Röhrle
Physical Address:
Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems
Chair for Continuum Biomechanics and Mechanobiology (Prof. Röhrle)
Pfaffenwaldring 5a (SimTech Building)
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
(There are also further office buildings in Pfaffenwaldring 4F)
By car
You can reach us by car. There are publically available parking spots nearby the building. For directions, please entere "Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart" into your GPS. For a map, please see below.
By Public Transport:
From the airport go to the S-Bahn (underground, follow the green circle with a white S in it). Take S2 or S3 (nothing else stops there) towards city centre (Hauptbahnhof – main train station). For the trip to the University (Campus Vaihingen), you need a ticket for 2 Zones (2,90 Euro). Get off at the stop "Universität". Under normal circumstances, this takes about 16min. After you arrived at the S-Bahn station "Universität", follow the directions to "Universitätszentrum" (you go in the direction of travel), get up all the stairs or take the elevator (if you see the elevators you are on the correct end of the tracks). Once you see sun again, you stand in front of Pfaffenwaldring 9. Then, turn right and walk along the building till the end of the building. Then slightly to your left and in front of you, there is a big square-looking concrete building. This is already Pfaffenwaldring 5c. By turning left and passing this building, you get to the SimTech Building (Pfaffenwaldring 5a). Go to the 2nd floor and look for the office 02.023 (Frau Grabowski).
From the main train station (Hauptbahnhof), the S-Bahn is also the best choice. You can take S1, S2 or S3 (S2 and S3 go to the airport, hence in the general direction of the airport). For this trip, you need to purchase a ticket for 1 Zone (2.50 Euro). Also get off the stop "Universität" abd follow the signs to the "Universitätszentrum" (now it is in opposite of your travel of direction). Then follow the instructions above.
For a map please see below.
Directions Schmitt
Physical Address:
Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems
Chair for Computational Biophysics and Biorobotics (Prof. Schmitt)
Nobelstraße 15 (TTI Building)
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
By car
You can reach us by car. There are publically available parking spots nearby the building. For directions, please enter "Nobelstraße 15, 70569 Stuttgart" into your GPS. For a map, please see below.
By Public Transport:
From the airport go to the S-Bahn (underground, follow the green circle with a white S in it). Take S2 or S3 (nothing else stops there) towards city centre (Hauptbahnhof – main train station). For the trip to the University (Campus Vaihingen), you need a ticket for 2 Zones (2,90 Euro). Get off at the stop "Universität". Under normal circumstances, this takes about 16min. After you arrived at the S-Bahn station "Universität", follow the directions to "Fraunhofer Institutszentrum" (you go in the opposit direction of travel), get up all the stairs. Once you see sun again, you stand on the Universitätsstraße. Then, walk along the street towards Nobelstraße "Fraunhofer Institutszentrum" (Nobelstraße 12) until you reach the main entrance on the right. Our building is on the other side of the road (Nobelstraße 15). Enter at the main entrance and go to the end of the ground floor. Our rooms are on the left (room 007). Approx. 15 minutes walk.
From the main train station (Hauptbahnhof), the S-Bahn is also the best choice. You can take S1, S2 or S3 (S2 and S3 go to the airport, hence in the general direction of the airport). For this trip, you need to purchase a ticket for 1 Zone (2.50 Euro). Get off the stop "Universität", follow the directions to "Fraunhofer Institutszentrum" (you go in the direction of travel), get up all the stairs. Then follow the instructions above.
For a map please see below.
Pfaffenwaldring 5a
Nobelstraße 15
Pfaffenwaldring 4f
Vera Tahedl
Administrative Associate (Röhrle group)

Christine Schreiber
Administrative Associate (Schmitt group)