Pfaffenwaldring 5a
70569 Stuttgart
Pouyan's research lies on the interface of biophysics, computer vision and machine learning. He focuses on developing biophysics-aware machine learning models to investigate dynamics of biological processes. His main focus has been investigating structure-function relathionship in nano-scale of biopolymers in cellular proceeses and micro-scale of bone tissue. He has developed biomedical image analysis frameworks include deep learning models for resolving high resolution computer tomogrophy (CT) images and biopolymer structural feature-extraction models from laser confocal scanning microscopy (CLSM) images. Pouyan's current research focuses on developing bone maturation and adaptation deep learning models from time-resolved HR-pQCT and µCT images and simulation based data synthesis.
Surrogate machine learning model of structure-function relationship of biopolymers (Asgharzadeh et al. Acta Bio. 2018 and Asgharzadeh et al. BioRxiv 2020)
Bone aging assesment model (BAAM) deep neural network (Asgharzadeh et al. Acta Bio. 2020)
- Asgharzadeh, Pouyan, Oliver Röhrle, Bettina M Willie und Annette I Birkhold. 2020. Decoding Rejuvenating Effects of Mechanical Loading on Skeletal Aging using in Vivo microCT Imaging and Deep Learning. Acta Biomaterialia. Acta Biomaterialia. doi:, .
- Asgharzadeh, Pouyan, Annette I Birkhold, Zubin Trivedi, Bugra Özdemir, Ralf Reski und Oliver Röhrle. 2020. A NanoFE Simulation-based Surrogate Machine Learning Model to Predict Mechanical Functionality of Protein Networks from Live Confocal Imaging. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 18. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal: 2774–2788. doi:,
- Reski, Ralf, Bugra Özdemir, Pouyan Asgharzadeh, Annette Birkhold und Oliver Röhrle. 2019. The plastid skeleton: a source of ideas in the nano range. In: Biomimetics for Architecture. Learning from Nature, 163–166. Biomimetics for Architecture. Learning from Nature. Birkhäuser.
- Özdemir, Bugra, Pouyan Asgharzadeh, Annette I Birkhold, Stefanie J Mueller, Oliver Röhrle und Ralf Reski. 2018. Cytological analysis and structural quantification of FtsZ1-2 and FtsZ2-1 network characteristics in Physcomitrella patens. Scientific reports 8, Nr. 1. Scientific reports: 11165. doi:, .
- Asgharzadeh, Pouyan, Bugra Özdemir, Ralf Reski, Oliver Röhrle und Annette I Birkhold. 2018. Computational 3D imaging to quantify structural components and assembly of protein networks. Acta biomaterialia 69. Acta biomaterialia: 206--217. doi:, .
- Asgharzadeh, Pouyan, Bugra Özdemir, Ralf Reski, Annette I Birkhold und Oliver Röhrle. 2018. Feature-based Classification of Protein Networks using Confocal Microscopy Imaging and Machine Learning. PAMM 18, Nr. 1. PAMM: e201800246.
- Asgharzadeh, Pouyan, Bugra Özdemir, Stefanie J Müller, Oliver Röhrle und Ralf Reski. 2016. Analysis of Physcomitrella chloroplasts to reveal adaptation principles leading to structural stability at the nano-scale. In: Biomimetic Research for Architecture and Building Construction, 261--275. Biomimetic Research for Architecture and Building Construction. Springer, Cham. doi:, .
- Asgharzadeh, Pouyan, Bugra Özdemir, Stefanie J Müller, Ralf Reski und Oliver Röhrle. 2016. Analysis of confocal microscopy image data of Physcomitrella chloroplasts to reveal adaptation principles leading to structural stability at the nanoscale. PAMM 16, Nr. 1. PAMM: 69--70.
- 2019 - 2020: Visiting Researcher, Department of Orthopedic surgery, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
- 05/2020: PhD in Machine Learning and Data-driven Siumlation Science at Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems,University of Stuttgart, Gemrnay
- 06/2016: Master of Science in Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures at the University of Stuttgart, Germany
- 06/2012: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran